Thursday, January 29, 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog....

Sometimes blogging sucks! There I said it. Trying to figure out which backgrounds work the best. What kind of social media sites you need to be connected to. If anybody actually reads or cares about what you have to say or if you are just randomly babbling to yourself. Trying to not offend or generally piss off any guilty parties who read your blog when you really need to vent about them or hire a hit man. And starting over with a new blog when you put so much time and effort into your first one. There, did I cover all the sucky aspects of having a blog?

But it's also wonderful to have a blog. Somewhere that you can just babble to yourself without worrying that people think you're strange as hell. Yeah, they can comment, but you don't have to post their comment. It's a liberating feeling. There's been many times where blogging has saved my sanity after a day of dealing with these little demanding people who call me Mommy. It's honestly a perfect time out for me. I get out whatever they have done to drive me bat shit crazy, they get to live, and I don't have to take a xanax. It's a win win situation.

But the absolute best part of having a blog, is the community. It's reading what others have to say and finding out that as crazy as your life may be, you're not alone. And sometimes finding out that you're not nearly as crazy as some others! lol. So as overwhelmed as I may get with my blog sometimes, I think I'll stick with it. Besides, it's way cheaper than therapy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I babble to myself all the time. I just don't care if people think I'm crazy. Probably because I am.
